# Copyright 1998-2022 Stonie R. Cooper # Licensed under the auspices of GPLv3 # See top-level copyright disclaimer (COPYRIGHT) and license (LICENSE) 0:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Latitude/Longitude 1:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Rotated Latitude/Longitude 2:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Stretched Latitude/Longitude 3:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Rotated and Stretched Latitude/Longitude 10:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:39:42:Latitude of first point:43:46:Longitude of first point:48:51:Latin:52:55:Latitude of last point:56:59:Longitude of last point:Mercator 20:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:39:42:Latitude of first point:43:46:Longitude of first point:48:51:Latin:52:55:Lov:Polar Stereographic 30:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:39:42:Latitude of first point:43:46:Longitude of first point:52:55:LoV:66:69:Latin 1:70:73:Latin 2:Lambert Conformal 31:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:39:42:Latitude of first point:43:46:Longitude of first point:52:55:LoV:66:69:Latin 1:70:73:Latin 2:Albers Equal Area 40:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Gaussian Latitude/Longitude 41:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Rotated Gaussian Latitude/Longitude 42:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Stretched Gaussian Latitude/Longitude 43:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Rotated and Stretched Gaussian Latitude/Longitude 50:15:18:J:19:22:K:23:26:M:Spherical Harmonic Coefficients 51:15:18:J:19:22:K:23:26:M:Rotated Spherical Harmonic Coefficients 52:15:18:J:19:22:K:23:26:M:Stretched Spherical Harmonic Coefficients 53:15:18:J:19:22:K:23:26:M:Rotated and Stretched Spherical Harmonic Coefficients 90:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:39:42:Latitude of satellite:43:46:Longitude of satellite:47:47:Resolution:69:72:Altitude of satellite:Space View Perspective or Orthographic 100:19:19:Number of diamonds:20:23:Latitude of pole point:24:27:Longitude of pole point:28:31:Longitude of center line:35:38:Total number of great points:Triangular Grid Based on an Icosahedron 110:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:39:42:Latitude of tangency point:43:46:Longitude of tangency point:47:47:Resolution:Equatorial Azimuthal Equidistant Projection 120:15:18:Number of data bins:19:22:Number of radials:23:26:Latitude at center point:27:30:Longitude of center point:31:34:Dx:35:38:Offset from origin:Azimuth-Range Projection 203:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Rotated Latitude/Longitude (Arakawa Staggerred E-Grid) 204:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:Curvilinear Orthogonal Grids 205:31:34:X points:35:38:Y points:47:50:Latitude of first point:51:54:Longitude of first point:56:59:Latitude of last point:60:63:Longitude of last point:Rotated Latitude/Longitude (Arakawa Staggerred B-Grid) 1000:31:34:Number of horizontal points:43:46:Latitude of first point:47:50:Longitude of first point:52:55:Latitude of last point:56:59:Longitude of last point:61:62:Number of vertical points:Cross Section Grid with Points Equally Spaced on the Horizontal 1100:31:34:Number of horizontal points:43:46:Latitude of first point:47:50:Longitude of first point:52:55:Latitude of last point:56:59:Lon gitude of last point:61:62:Number of time steps:Hovmoller Diagram with Points Equally Spaced on the Horizontal 1200:15:18:Number of time steps:37:38:Number of vertical points:Time Section Grid